Galleria Continua GALLERIA CONTINUA | Galleria d'arte contemporanea
Galleria Continua
San Gimignano
Les Moulins
Sao Paulo
Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions

- Waterbones (Sensitive Chaos), 2016, 1000 stainless steel elements, each elements diameter 26 cm x 4 cm. Photo Oak Taylor-Smith

Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions

- Waterbones (Sensitive Chaos), 2016, 1000 stainless steel elements, each elements diameter 26 cm x 4 cm. Photo Oak Taylor-Smith

Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions

- Waterbones , 2016, stainless steel 316 modules, variable dimensions with the space. Photo Oak Taylor-Smith

Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions

- Peeling paints (Purple II), 2016, Epoxy resin, acrylic, nylon fibers on Dibond, acrylic paint on thermo-­moulded laser cutted PETG, 190 x 140 x 15 cm. Photo Oak Taylor-Smith

Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions

- The developed seed (organizing a system that can continously construct itself), 2016, stainless steel 316 modules, variable dimensions. Photo Oak Taylor-Smith

Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions

- Tavolo parallelo alla Terra, Terra parallela al Tavolo, 2016, milled MDF and aluminum structures covered with leather, 8 tables 75 x 100 x 7,5 cm each. Photo Ela Bialkowska

Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions

- Sentimental seismographies (A soul never thinks without a picture - Aristotele), 2015, Lasercutted syntetic felt, velvet, watercutted steel, 100h x 98 x 26. Photo Oak Taylor-Smith

Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions

- Confining Forces (leaf 4), 2015, waterjet cutted iron plate, 2 mm stainless steel microspheres, epoxy resin, 85 x 85 x 6,5 cm with frame. Photo Oak Taylor-Smith

Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions

- The garden’s jewel (project for a sculpture treehouse), 2014, wood, PVC, resin, plastic, aluminium base, base 110 x 70 x 70 cm ,model 78 x 50 x 48 cm about. Photo Oak Taylor-Smith

Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions
Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions
Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions
Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions
Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions
Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions
Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions
Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions
Testing Effects, Dancing Reactions