SHILPA GUPTA 'For, in your tongue, I cannot fit' 2017-2018. Installation view Asia Pacific Triennial Brisbane, 2018. Photo: Josef Ruckli
group exhibition
1/3-2 Velyka Vasylkivska
Baseyna str., Kyiv, Ukraine
08/03/2024 - 14/07/2024
The PinchukArtCentre presents 'I Feel You,' an international exhibition delving into empathy and our ability to listen amid geopolitical strife and climate change. Featuring works by artists from around the world, including Ukraine, the exhibition explores the value of individual life and the urgency of compassion. Curated by Oleksandra Pogrebnyak, Ksenia Malykh, and Björn Geldhof, it highlights the resilience of the human spirit amidst political repression and existential threats.